mandag den 1. marts 2010


Udvalgt af COSTUME

Sad lige inde på msn style og opdagede så, at jeg var en af de 10 piger som StyleGallery have udvalgt til at være ugens bedste outfit. Find inspiration til din stil blandt Stylegallery's chikke fashionister, hver uge kårer Costume ugens 10 bedste outfits på modefællesskabet - og i denne uge var jeg så heldig at være en af dem! 

I just unexpectedly sow my picture at msn style homepage. I was one of the 10 chosen girls from Style Gallery there was selected to be the weeks best outfit. You can find inspiration for your style from all Style Gallery's trendy fashionister. Each week Costume will announce the week's 10 best outfits - and this week I was lucky to be one of them!

Det billed Costume have udvalgt, var dette/ The picture Costume selected:

Se de andre fashionister's outfit her / You can see the other outfits here 

2 kommentarer:

  1. hej Isabella! Har faktiske sat dit outfit ind på min blog. Du kan se indlægget her:
